
For NonProfit Organization

Attract the right donors to your non-profit so that you can reach out to who you are called to serve in 90 days.

We will help you create effective explainer videos, Redesign your website, run ad campaigns that converts and follow-up on your leads till they donate


Carol J. Chiarito


"I began using Vincah about a year ago for an affordable website re-design. They really care about your input, and listen to what you like and don’t like to make you a happy customer. I have since hired them on a full-time maintenance contract with our company to oversee, upgrade and keep us working well. Love working with these guys!! Highly recommend"

What we do

We offer comprehensive solutions for restructuring non-profit organization by using cutting-edge and innovative digital medium which will spike the growth of your organization.



An explainer video is a simple but effective way to share your non-profit ideas clearly and succinctly that engages all the senses of your viewers. According to Internet Retailers, up to 85% of people are more likely to buy your idea if they saw an explainer video which means that there is a high possibility of increase conversion rate of potential donors.

Website redesign

You need a website, not just any website but an Effective Website. An effective Non Profit website can boost exposure and confidence among potential contributors, provide volunteer opportunities, promote interest in joining and/or giving to membership programs, nurture relationships with other groups, and advertise forthcoming events or fundraisers, among other things



A good digital advertising campaign helps in finding and promoting   channels that an organization uses to spread their word about to various stake holders. Such activities can be, donor stewardship, increasing online giving, recruit volunteers, and more!

"One of the most talented guys I have ever worked with. It was a pleasure working with them.

Mr olamiju
COO, Mitosath


Remember, nonprofit organization survive with funds and you need the best strategy to get those funds.

Nonprofits have a tough time deciding what to do to get that donation. You have tried many strategy to get the right donors and volunteer, yet people are not interested and show less attraction to what you want to solve . OR

You own a successful nonprofit offline, but you don’t have a strong internet presence to communicate with your online volunteers. Trust me, i know how it feels.

This program is designed to help nonprofit organizations achieve their goals with the power of the internet and leverage digital mediums.  We can improve your reputation by utilizing a strong digital marketing strategy that spreads so that your volunteer or donors trust you more which will eventually lead to more  funds.


Got any questions?

Kindly fill in the form below to get started, You will then be directed to a scheduling platform which you will choose a date and time for the meeting.  

Yes, this project also works with Nonprofit organization who don’t a website. Instead of the redesigning a website, we will design a brand new website.

Great question, this package consist of 10 webpages but most cases we  design more that 10.

well, it depends on where your audience are active. various channels where are active the most are youtube/google ads, facebook/instagram, twiitter.

Yes, you can  have only one service. we will address more it more when you have a discovery call with us.

It depends on the package you choose, it varies from 1 week to 2 month.

You will definitely take credit for your own project. what we only ask for us to use your work as reference  to our portfolio. 

Our service starts from 400 dollars.

Let us transform your nonprofit into a what is meant to be.

Fill the form below


Email:  in**@vi****.com